Price list

The initial half-hour meeting, during which we get to know each other, and you describe your situation, is free of charge.

Our fee for further legal services is a matter of agreement with the individual client, considering the professional and time complexity of the case. However, we always proceed based on the following options:

Hourly rate

We always tailor the hourly rate to the specific matter and will advise you in advance of the planned hours.

Lump sum fee

In the case of a complex package of services, or in the case of long-term cooperation, we will agree with you a fixed amount for the complete handling of the matter.

Share in the outcome of the case

If you do not want to invest your own funds and financial performance from the counterparty can be expected, we are open to agree that our fee will be based on the counterparty’s performance.

Fee according to the lawyer’s tariff

In the absence of any other agreement on the fee, the attorney’s fee is governed by the Czech Ministry of Justice Decree No. 177/1996 Coll., the Attorney’s Tariff. For your specific case, we will explain to you in advance in detail how the fee is calculated according to the Lawyer’s Tariff.